The center()
method in Python is used to center align the string. It takes two parameters:
1. width: Required. The width of the string to fill.
2. fillchar: Optional. The character to fill in the remaining space. If not provided, space is used as the fill character.
How to use the center()
# Without fillchar
text = "Hello, World!"
centered_text =
print(centered_text) # Outputs: ' Hello, World! '
# With fillchar
centered_text_with_fillchar =, '*')
print(centered_text_with_fillchar) # Outputs: '***Hello, World!***'
Example 1
Centering a string in a field of a certain width.
str1 = "AI"
centered_str1 =
print(centered_str1) # Outputs: ' AI '
Example 2
Centering a string with a custom fill character.
str1 = "Python"
centered_str1 =, '-')
print(centered_str1) # Outputs: '-------Python-------'
Example 3
When the width is less than the length of the string.
str1 = "Machine Learning"
centered_str1 =, '*')
print(centered_str1) # Outputs: 'Machine Learning'