Hello friends! Today we’ll see how to easily add JSON data to a Pandas DataFrame in Python. This is very useful when working with web APIs or JSON files.
First, import the needed libraries:
import pandas as pd
import json
Now, let’s say we have some JSON data:
json_data = '{"name": "Rahul", "age": 30, "city": "Mumbai"}'
To add this to a DataFrame, we can use the pd.read_json()
df = pd.read_json(json_data, orient='index')
If you have a JSON file instead, just give the file path:
If you have a JSON file instead, just give the file path:
For nested JSON, you might need to normalize it first:
df = pd.json_normalize(json.loads(json_data))
That’s it! Now you have your JSON data in a nice Pandas DataFrame. You can do all sorts of analysis and manipulations on it.
import pandas as pd
import json
# Sample JSON data
json_data = '''
"students": [
{"name": "Rahul", "age": 22, "city": "Mumbai", "grades": {"maths": 85, "science": 92}},
{"name": "Priya", "age": 21, "city": "Delhi", "grades": {"maths": 78, "science": 88}},
{"name": "Amit", "age": 23, "city": "Bangalore", "grades": {"maths": 90, "science": 95}}
# Parse JSON data
parsed_data = json.loads(json_data)
# Create DataFrame
df = pd.json_normalize(parsed_data['students'])
# Display the DataFrame
# Access specific columns
print("\nNames and ages:")
print(df[['name', 'age']])
# Access nested data
print("\nMaths grades:")
# Add a new column
df['total_grade'] = df['grades.maths'] + df['grades.science']
# Display updated DataFrame
print("\nUpdated DataFrame with total grade:")