How to Concatenate int and string in python

In Python, concatenating an integer and a string requires converting the integer to a string first. This can be done in a few different ways, such as using the str() function, f-strings, or the format() method.


You can convert the integer to a string using the str() function and then concatenate it with a string using the + operator:

integer_value = 42
string_value = "The answer is "

# Convert the integer to a string and concatenate
result = string_value + str(integer_value)

print(result)  # Output: The answer is 42

f-strings (Python 3.6 and above)

F-strings provide a convenient way to embed expressions inside string literals, using curly braces {}

integer_value = 42

# Using f-string to concatenate
result = f"The answer is {integer_value}"

print(result)  # Output: The answer is 42


The format() method allows you to insert values into a string with placeholders:

integer_value = 42

# Using format method to concatenate
result = "The answer is {}".format(integer_value)

print(result)  # Output: The answer is 42


Although join() is typically used to concatenate elements of a list, you can also use it to concatenate strings and integer conversions:

integer_value = 42

# Using join method to concatenate
result = ''.join(["The answer is ", str(integer_value)])

print(result)  # Output: The answer is 42


  • Use str() if you prefer simple concatenation with +.
  • Use f-strings for more readable and concise code, especially when working with multiple variables.
  • Use format() if you need more control over formatting options.
  • Use join() when you have a list of strings you want to concatenate, including converted integers.