Integrating Algolia Search with Django Using Scout

Integrating Algolia’s search service with a Django application using the Scout library involves several steps. Scout is a search engine library for Django that provides a simple way to integrate with Algolia and other search services. Here’s a detailed guide to set up and use Algolia with Scout in a Django project:


  1. Django Installed: Make sure you have Django installed in your environment. You can install it using pip if needed:
pip install django
  1. Scout Installed: Scout requires the django-scout library, which you can install via pip:
pip install django-scout
  1. Algolia Account: Sign up for an Algolia account, and get your Application ID and API key.

Steps to Integrate Algolia with Scout

Step 1: Install Required Packages

Make sure that you have both the algoliasearch client and django-scout installed:

pip install algoliasearch-django django-scout

Step 2: Configure Settings

Add scout to your Django INSTALLED_APPS and configure your Algolia credentials in your file:



# Algolia configuration
    'APPLICATION_ID': 'YourAlgoliaApplicationID',
    'API_KEY': 'YourAlgoliaAdminAPIKey',

SCOUT_ENGINE = "algolia"  # Set the search engine to Algolia

Step 3: Define Searchable Models

For each Django model you want to make searchable, you need to define a Scout configuration. Create a file within your app, and specify which fields are searchable.

# myapp/

from scout_apm.core.tracked_request import TrackedRequest
from scout_apm.core.tracked_request import Span

from scout.models import SearchableModel

class MyModel(SearchableModel):
    class Meta:
        indexes = {
            'default': {
                'fields': ['field1', 'field2'],  # Fields you want to index

Step 4: Update Your Model

Make sure that your model inherits from SearchableModel:

# myapp/

from django.db import models
from scout.models import SearchableModel

class MyModel(SearchableModel):
    field1 = models.CharField(max_length=255)
    field2 = models.TextField()
    # other fields...

Step 5: Synchronize with Algolia

Once you have your model and search configuration set up, you need to synchronize your database with Algolia. You can do this using Django management commands:

python scout_reindex

This command will send your existing database entries to Algolia.

Step 6: Perform Searches

To search using Scout and Algolia, you can use the search method provided by Scout on your model:

# or any other module

from myapp.models import MyModel

# Perform a search
results ='search query')
for result in results:
    print(result.field1, result.field2)

Additional Considerations

  • Hooks and Signals: Scout integrates with Django signals to automatically update the index when your database changes. However, you can also manually update your index if needed.
  • Advanced Queries: For more complex search queries, refer to the Algolia documentation.
  • Index Configuration: You can configure your index settings via the Algolia dashboard or programmatically using the Algolia API.
  • Security: Make sure to use appropriate API keys and consider using secured API keys for front-end search requests.